该项目将由韩国和泰国合作,故事由两国的两位主角主演。韩国欧巴 Sangmin 十多年后重返泰国。他与老朋友 Dinneaw 重逢,后者现在已是一位英俊的年轻人。他们之间兄弟般的情谊开始发展成更深厚的关系。The project will be a collaboration between Korea and Thailand as the story features two lead actors from the two countries.South Korean Oba Sangmin retu
《朽木》Ian McShane确认领衔Paramount 澳大利亚区十集原创剧集《十字区的最后国王》(Last King of the Cross),将与《浮华饭店》“Danny” Lincoln Younes搭档领衔。将于五月在悉尼开机的本剧由《愿你在此》和《海伦娜之路》的 Kieran Darcy-Smith担任导演,取材于John Ibrahim畅销的同名传记文学,以曾经因为“不夜城”、“红灯区”、“站街”而闻名的悉尼内城区区域国王十字(Kings Cross)作为背景,讲述John Ibrahim
After discovering his blood-soaked daughter dead in the bathtub, David Bryson attends a self-help group to help save him from his ghostly nightmares. But when a group of mysterious cult-like women offer to help him resurrect his daughter. David's