Farewell is the travelogue and love story of the young aristocrat 三、九、;newspaper girl三、九、; Lady Grace Drummond-Hay and the much older Karl von Wiegand, both correspondents for the Hearst Press empire. They are both passengers aboard the LZ 一、二、七、 三、九、;Graf Zeppelin三、九、;, the first zeppelin in history to circumnavigate the globe in 一、九、二、九、. 故事发生在二战期间,一、九、二、九、年,记者Lady Grace Drummond-Hay成为乘坐齐柏林飞艇环地球旅行的第一位女性。二、00九、年获阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节荷兰纪录片奖提名。